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Freelance Writers’ Healthy Lifestyle

You might end up living like a smoker.

This statement hit me like a ton of bricks.

According to a recent study, sitting is the new smoking. They claim that sitting for lengthy periods diminishes life expectancy and causes cancer and even diabetes. This is precisely what smoking can do.

Sitting is a necessary working position for a freelance writer to get jobs done.

Yes, it is evident that writing requires a lot of cognitive effort and sitting time. However, scientists are becoming increasingly concerned about the importance of walking and being active through exercise.

So, how do we work as freelance writers without our butts glued to the chair for hours?

Let’s be honest; there’s no better writing position than sitting. However, there are healthy tips that can boost your lifestyle. Living as a smoker should not be the price we pay for working hard.

So, stick with me here, and I will show you how to live a healthy lifestyle as a freelance writer.

Remember: Health is wealth.

7 Must-Do Tips for Healthy Freelance Writers

Learning is an ongoing process in life. So, it would be best if you learned how to live a healthy lifestyle while writing.

While freelance writing can be rewarding, it can also be stressful in brain work and project turnaround time. Many writers give up their nights to ensure the delight of their clients.

Yes, it is professional to work around client satisfaction, but it all boils down to this: reward yourself with a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some of the lifestyles you need to stick to.

  1. Make Exercise Your Daily Dose

Exercise shouldn’t be negotiable for a healthy lifestyle. Science has a lot of evidence to back up the importance of exercise.

Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing many chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some cancers.

Not that alone, exercise boosts your productivity as a freelance writer. It increases your thinking process and memory. You can always have a quality delivery with high-functioning memory and thinking patterns.

  1. Get Addicted to Healthy Snacking

It is a basic guideline to avoid working in the kitchen since you can become distracted. On the other hand, snacking while working can be a terrific way to stay on track with your nutrition.

Remote writers frequently skip lunch to meet deadlines. You know it’s not right, but your client’s satisfaction and delivery may be jeopardized. As a result, you should keep easy-to-chew snacks on hand.

Some of the healthy snacks you can try out are carrots, yoghurts, cheese, fruits, etc. The most important thing is to stay healthy, so choose healthy snacks.

  1. Have Strict Working Hours

One of the best ways to have a disciplined lifestyle as a remote worker is strict working hours. You might feel you can do whatever you want with your twenty-four hours. But, your productivity depends on how strict your working hours are.

You can assign specific working hours to each project with a scheduled working hour. Doing this will prevent you from being worn out. Your mental health will be in good order, and you can stay productive.

  1. Yoga Frequently, Even at Your Desk

Back discomfort is a typical condition associated with prolonged sitting. However, there is an on-the-spot treatment for chronic back pain.

That’s yoga!

Having regular yoga can also boost your motivation and inspiration. Your muscles are more relaxed, your mind at peace, and you can produce quality content.

You can do a slow yoga style whenever you are stuck on a subject or just feeling tired or frustrated. You will feel re-energized within a few seconds.

  1. Always Stay Hydrated as You Work

Without question, water is essential to existence. Staying hydrated necessitates the consumption of water. Staying hydrated helps you develop energy and concentrate. In addition, your blood pressure will be normal.

You may train yourself to drink enough water by keeping a bottle on your desk. You can supplement the water with lemon, cucumber, or mint.

Similarly, staying inactive may result in delayed digestion or a slowing of your body’s metabolism. But staying hydrated might aid digestion.

  1. Avoid Straining Your Eyes

The eyes are a vital part of a freelance writer’s toolkit. What are you capable of doing without your eyes?

You know the effect of the light rays from your computer screen on your eyes: eyestrain and fatigue. Likewise, you need to stare at the computer screen to get your job done.

However, experts recommend the 20-20-20 guideline for anyone who spends their entire day on a computer. Every 20 minutes, the rule reads, take a 20-second break to stare at something at least 20 feet away from your screen.

  1. Reduce Your Sitting Time and When You Sit, Sit Properly

Freelance writing can be redefined as a job that involves sitting for long hours, staring and typing on a computer. One way to reduce your sitting time is by using a standing desk. Alternatively, you can try to walk around for almost 30 minutes or do some things while standing.

Nevertheless, when you sit, ensure you maintain a good posture. You have to be intentional about your sitting posture. The proper sitting posture is sitting upright without bending towards your system.

Also, focus on bending your knees at right angles and avoid crossing them while your feet rest flat on the floor.

Wrap Up

Now that you’ve seen easy ways to stay healthy while staying hard working, are you ready to stay committed to these tips? These tips work, and you can be the next testifier.

Don’t leave your healthy lifestyle to chance and end up living like a smoker.

Your health matters!